It is not that i don't want to update my blog. But its because i'm too caught up with school. This is what i will try to finish before i my readers decreases. So, please anticipate. I'll try to update soon!
Just like that, another year of Ramadhan past. I didn't even feel it. Maybe its because i'm too busy with schoolwork and revisions. This year's Ramadhan was great, fast and sweet. The weather was nice to us. It wasn't scorching hot like last year. Mostly this year its cooling. I'm really bless for that. So i went to Terawih on the last day of Ramadhan, together with my mum and sister. Its really a great experience. I've never been to terawih before and this was my first. I enjoyed it and i can't wait for next year's.
This was before Terawih
Oh! And i got back my phone 2 days before the end of Ramadhan. I was so happy to get my baby back. So, no more complaining from me. I'm refraining myself from personalizing too much now, just in case it decided to ditch me... I've learn my lesson. Phew~

This is what i had for buka today. LAUK RAYA GURL! Cooked by Mummy with love. Mummy cooked, Rendang, Lodeh, Sambal Sotong, Sambal Goreng, Ayam Goreng, Kuah Satay. Om nom nom nom...  Atok came to breakfast with us. Been a long time since he came here.

Oh and if you're guys are wondering, that is not part of the Raya dishes. That's my cat, Elfie. Look at the way he pose. He really is a sweetheart and a heartthrob. Maybe next time i should share with you guys about my cats. I have 5 of them ;)

Anyway to sum it all, i wanna wish say, SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN!
Smart phones.
Smart phones updates.

Who can live WITHOUT it? As a teenager, i swear i can't live without it. I spend 70% of my life on it.
Whatsapp, calls, text messages, surfing, listening to my kpop and etc.
I bet almost all the teenagers, or even anyone, can live without this small gadgets. (Not so small after looking at how big phones are getting...)

ANYWAY, this post is for my darling phone. He's in samsung now. On Wednesday, i was prompt with a notification that told me theres a new software update on my phone. So i clicked on it, it ask for the timing to update and blah blah blah. It shut off and restart and it keeps on showing the Samsung logo instead of actually going to my homepage to show what the update really was. I was fuming mad. I tried switching it on and off, took the battery out, say nice things to it, threaten to throw it from the 15th floor. But no. My phone still continue to show that Samsung logo.

So today my sister and i went to get it fixed. And guess what, it will take me 4 to 5 working days to actually see my darling. How annoying is that? How can i live without my phone? They better have a good explanation for this. Its their fault, NOT mine. If i didn't click on that software update, i would still have my phone with it.

I got to know that there are like 3 more people having the same problem as me. Beats me. Need explanations.

So i'm 'patiently' waiting for my phone. For now i'm using letters to send messages to people. How classy can i get?